RipFish Blog
SEO in Warsaw, Indiana? It DOES exist!

SEO aims your site's focus to capture new business
It’s a problem that we encounter time and time again when chatting with small businesses: They’ve created a bargain website through another service provider, and were promised the world. But after the dust settles, there’s one nagging problem — No one can actually find their website.
The problem with many “build-it-yourself” web services or cheap and quick sites created by other service providers is one of SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. A poorly structured site is not properly optimized for search engines such as Google, and may not show up when a potential customer is looking for you.
Nothing is more frustrating for a small business owner than spending capital to create a new website, but it doesn’t capture new business or convert browsers into buyers. Search Engine Optimization can help on both fronts, as folks searching for your services will be able to find you and they will more likely be exactly the type of customers you’re looking for.
SEO isn’t just a local matter either — if your business serves customers regionally or even nationally, SEO is exponentially more important. Your site will be competing on Google for the attention of millions of searchers. Getting found should be the number one focus of your online business.
RipFish Interactive understands all of this — We know what makes Google tick, and how to develop Google’s trust in your site. Higher “trust” leads to higher placement in search engine result pages, and that leads to more business for you.
What’s more, RipFish primarily develops in the WordPress platform, which is inherently optimized for search engine traffic. With some more advanced SEO techniques, RipFish can turn your site into a traffic-generating superstar — whether we design it, or someone else did.
Would you like to know more about how SEO can help your business? Drop us a line today!